Dry Cereals Fortified with Electrolytic Iron or Ferrous Fumarate Are Equally Effective in
Ekhard E. Ziegler,4* Samuel J. Fomon,4,7 Steven E. Nelson,4 Janice M. Jeter,4 and Richard C. Theuer5,6
Precooked, instant (dry) infant cereals in the US are fortified with electrolytic iron, a source of low reactivity and suspected
low bioavailability. Iron from ferrous fumarate is presumed to be more available. In this study, we compared a dry infant
rice cereal (Cereal L) fortified with electrolytic iron (54.5 mg iron/100 g cereal) to a similar cereal (Cereal M) fortified with
ferrous fumarate (52.2 mg Fe/100 g) for efficacy in maintaining iron status and preventing iron deficiency (ID) in breast-fed
infants. Ascorbic acid was included in both cereals. In this prospective, randomized double-blind trial, exclusively breastfed
infants were enrolled at 1 mo and iron status was determined periodically. At 4 mo, 3 infants had ID anemia and were
excluded. Ninety-five infants were randomized at 4 mo, and 69 (36 Cereal L, 33 Cereal M) completed the intervention at
9 mo. From 4 to 9 mo, they consumed daily one of the study cereals. With each cereal, 2 infants had mild ID, a prevalence
of 4.2%, but no infant developed ID anemia. There were no differences in iron status between study groups. Iron intake
from the study cereals was (mean 6 SD) 1.21 6 0.31 mg×kg21×d21 from Cereal L and 1.07 6 0.40 mg×kg21×d21 from
Cereal M. Eleven infants had low birth iron endowment (plasma ferritin , 55 mg/L at 2 mo) and 54% of these infants had
ID with or without anemia by 4 mo. We conclude that electrolytic iron and ferrous fumarate were equally efficacious as
fortificants of this infant cereal. J. Nutr. doi: 10.3945/jn.110.127266.
Dimasak, instan (kering) sereal bayi di AS yang diperkaya dengan zat besi elektrolit, sumber reaktivitasrendah dan diduga
bioavailabilitas rendah. Besi dari fumarat besi dianggap lebih tersedia. Dalam studi ini, kami membandingkan bayi kering
sereal beras (Cereal L) diperkaya dengan elektrolit besi (54,5 mg iron/100 g sereal) ke sereal serupa (Sereal M) diperkaya dengan
fumarat besi (52,2 mg Fe/100 g) untuk keberhasilan dalam mempertahankan status zat besi dan mencegah defisiensi besi (ID) di ASI
bayi. Asam askorbat termasuk dalam kedua sereal. Dalam prospektif, uji coba secara acak ini double-blind, ASI eksklusif
bayi yang terdaftar pada 1 mo dan status besi ditentukan secara berkala. Pada 4 bulan, 3 bayi mengalami anemia ID dan
dikecualikan. Sembilan puluh lima bayi diacak pada 4 mo, dan 69 (36 Cereal L, 33 Cereal M) menyelesaikan intervensi pada
9 mo. 4 sampai 9 mo, mereka dikonsumsi sehari-hari salah satu sereal studi. Dengan setiap sereal, 2 bayi memiliki ID ringan, prevalensi yang
dari 4,2%, tetapi tidak ada bayi anemia ID dikembangkan. Tidak ada perbedaan status zat besi antara kelompok belajar. Asupan zat besi
dari sereal penelitian adalah (rata-rata 6 SD) 1.21 6 0.31 mg × kg21 × D21 dari Cereal L dan 1,07 mg × 6 0,40 kg21 × D21 dari
Sereal M. Sebelas bayi lahir rendah besi endowment (plasma feritin, 55 mg / L pada 2 bulan) memiliki dan 54% dari bayi ini memiliki
ID dengan atau tanpa anemia dengan 4 mo. Kami menyimpulkan bahwa besi elektrolit dan fumarat besi sama-sama berkhasiat sebagai
fortificants ini sereal bayi. J. Nutr. doi: 10.3945/jn.110.127266.
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